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卿孝德Ted Ching . 2012-13年度學員


It was truly an astonished memory for me in the past three days. I have known Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) since I was in Taichung Second Senior High school (TCSSH) Interact club. It has been quite a long time since the first time I met Rotary. I enjoyed all the terrific talks in every meeting.


I also devoted myself in the service project every time I face such as cleaning up the world. That was really a good experience for me that I can use my own strength to help our mother nature.


張哲恩 Chang Che En . 2012-13年度學員


It was really an unforgettable experience to take part in this camp. This camp gave me a lot of things beyond my expectations. In these three days, I had much fun, made many good friends, and knew more about teamwork, most important of all, I learned the spirit of how to be an extraordinary leader.


I was a class leader in high school for three years. Even though I have this kind of experience, I still need to keep learning to be a better leader.


陳佑垣 Chen Yu Heng . 2012-13年度學員


Firstly, I really need to say that this is the best winter camp I have ever participated. From playing the outdoor games to presentation, it not only teaches us about teamwork but also breakthrough. I think it is really great to combine playing and learning. Now I want to tell about these three days and how I felt.


On the first day, we met at Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall. My brother and I were a little bit excited because we both like to make friends.


鄭兆琦 Serena Cheng . 2012-13年度學員


I deeply appreciated to spend three days in ryla. There are several activities in this challenging program, including team building, inspirational speeches, leadership training, outward bound, social activities and so on. They could enhance our personal development, leadership skills and good citizenship.


During the first day, we played a game that could help our team members get closer. By discussing and coming up with any ideas, we knew one another and became friends.


盧冠溢 Eric . 2012-13年度學員


Leader is someone who can motivate others.


It was really amazing to join this camp for 3 days. In the camp I’ve learned a lot and also made variety of friends from other universities. This really broadened my horizon for we’ve discussed numbers of topics such as education, economic and also our habits. Some people stand for A plan while another for B plan. And it is our various viewpoints that made us improve. 


Ivan . 2012-13年度學員


大學畢業前夕,台北芙蓉社推薦我參加為期三天兩夜的扶輪青少年領袖獎領導營Rotary Youth Leadership Awards讓我受益匪淺,舉辦RYLA的目的是培養青少年領導的潛能、以及優秀的公民素質,藉由同儕間的相互討論激盪出與眾不同的創新想法。


本身為台北芙蓉扶青團復團團員也曾到非洲擔任國際志工,對於國際環境議題有較為深刻地體驗及體悟, 如何具備優秀的領導特質以及富有同理心以解決社區問題貫穿整個RYLA


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